Delivery Promise

Adding the Delivery Promise Block to your Shopify Checkout

Once you've configured the Delivery Promise settings, there is one final step to showing estimates in your checkout: Adding the Delivery Promise block to the Shipping area of your checkout. Adding th…

Brian Whalley
Updated by Brian Whalley

Billing for Delivery Promise

Delivery Promise Billing. How Billing Works. The billing for usage-based plans of Delivery Promise feature is simple. Each month, we calculate your bill based on how many orders were placed through y…

Brian Whalley
Updated by Brian Whalley

Delivery Promise A/B Testing

To measure the performance of showing the Wonderment Delivery Promise at Checkout, we offer an A/B testing feature. When enabled, ETAs will be shown to 50% of all checkouts that arrive to the "Shippi…

Austin Hutchison
Updated by Austin Hutchison

Delivery Promise Frequently Asked Questions

What is Wonderment Delivery Promise? Delivery Promise is a suite of features that enable better customer communication pre-purchase. This includes showing delivery estimates to customers pre-purchase…

Brian Whalley
Updated by Brian Whalley

Disabling the Shopify "Shipping Speed" in Checkout

When you activate Delivery Promise, if you were previously using Shopify's Shipping Speed feature, you may see duplicated delivery dates in your checkout Shipping area. You can disable the Shopify Sh…

Brian Whalley
Updated by Brian Whalley

Setting Up Delivery Promise

There are five steps to configuring Delivery Promise for your store. You can follow these steps from Delivery Promise Onboarding. First, ensure that the Wonderment app has all of the necessary permis…

Brian Whalley
Updated by Brian Whalley

Setting Up the Wonderment Delivery Promise on Your Product Page

How to Set Up the Wonderment Delivery Promise on Your Product Page. Setting up the Wonderment Delivery Promise on your product page is a great way to let your customers know when they can expect thei…

Brian Whalley
Updated by Brian Whalley
