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Adding SMS to Wonderment-Driven Klaviyo Flows

Julie Updated by Julie

In this guide, we'll walk through the steps of adding Klaviyo SMS messages to Klaviyo flows.

There are two ways to set up SMS messages in Klaviyo flows:

  1. All SMS subscribed customers receive both SMS and emails
  2. SMS subscribed customers receive SMS messages, and non-SMS subscribed customers receive emails.

You can choose one method for all flows, or have some flows set up with Option 1 and the rest with Option 2.

1.) All SMS subscribed customers receive both SMS and emails

To set up your flow to send SMS messages to SMS subscribed customers and send email notifications all customers (regardless of SMS subscription status), you'll want to set up your flow as seen below:

With this set up, the email is triggered and then a conditional split is placed after the email. The logic of the conditional split will send SMS subscribed customers down the "Yes" path, and the SMS unsubscribed customers will go down the "No" path.

2.) All SMS subscribed customers receive only SMS

To set up your flow to send SMS messages to SMS subscribed customers and send email notifications to the rest of your customers, you'll want to set up your flow as seen below:

With this set up, before the customer communication is sent out, customers will be separated into "Subscribed to SMS" and "Not Subscribed to SMS." The logic of the conditional split will send SMS subscribed customers down the "Yes" path and will receive an SMS message, and the SMS unsubscribed customers will go down the "No" path to receive the email.

Have any questions about what setup is best for your account? Reach out to Customer Support by clicking the icon in the bottom right of the screen or email

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