Wonderment Tracking Block

The Wonderment Tracking Block is the centerpiece of any tracking page. Without it, the page loses the value that brings it so much traffic.

The tracking block exists in two forms:

  1. The 'Starter Tracking Block': a theme block that allows us to provide a default block pre-installed on your tracking page.
  2. The Wonderment App Block: an app block that unlocks full customization through the Wonderment Tracking block editor.

The 'Starter Tracking Block should be replaced by the app block if you'd like to customize the look and feel of your tracking block. To learn how to replace it, check out Tracking Pages: Replacing the Starter Tracking Block.

The app block is deeply customizable. You can select from various layouts as a starting point and make them entirely your own. Learn more about designing your tracking block in the Tracking Block Editor.

Both versions of the tracking block are designed to inherit as much of your theme’s styling as possible. If something seems off, the App Block Editor can help you fix it.

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Tracking Block Editor
